How to Choose and Buy an Mbira Instrument — Mbira Magic | Ancient Zimbabwean Trance Music

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How to choose and buy an mbira:

Choosing and buying an mbira should be a joy

But sometimes it can go horribly wrong…😱

Check out this video to learn about the best tunings for beginners (nyamaropa tuning), and how to avoid some common ‘buyer mistakes’.

I wish I’d known all this before I bought my first mbira! 👨‍💻💸🤦‍♂️

Mbira instruments for sale:

It’s better to buy direct from the maker, but sometimes I have a few special instruments for sale on the Mbira Magic Instagram page. Look out for photos and videos with the 💝 icon - if it says ‘SOLD’ in the comments, sorry, its gone!

Trusted mbira makers:

Traditional mbira makers are usually trustworthy and reliable, but sending your money to someone you’ve never met can be risky and worrying.

To help make sure you get a quality mbira, in the correct tuning, when you expect it, and without further issues, we introduce our trusted mbira makers. We also include a handy buyers guide with extra tips, photos and mbira maker contact details in our free Mbira Essentials pack.

Click here to see and hear mbira instruments from our trusted makers.

How much should you pay?

It can take around three days to build a decent mbira. This time includes crafting the gwariva (wooden sound board), hammering and fitting each key, ‘settling in’, and fine tuning. If you find an instrument for less than $200 there’s likely to be issues around quality or exploitation. Sometimes you can pick up a second hand bargain, or find a cheap option that generates fast cash for someone in an emergency, but please try to pay a fair price. How much do you earn for three days work?